This time of year, cinnamon is an all-time holiday favorite for spicing up cookies, cakes and a variety of other treats. Prices on cinnamon have risen 55% since last December, and it looks as though that trend will continue into the next year.

Cinnamon is currently facing poor availability of its raw materials; this is forcing contract renegotiations and many shipments have been delayed. The lack of raw materials combined with the high demand of the season, have farmers calling for higher prices as well.

Many buyers are calling for higher quality of cinnamon limiting companies to purchase from a few select suppliers that focus on the quality of the cinnamon. This demand continues to drive prices higher, as sources for better quality cinnamon are being affected by rainy seasons making drying times longer and delaying the export of goods.

Even with the price of cinnamon rising consumers still want delicious cinnamon flavored treats. Cinnamon flavoring can be a beneficial and more cost effect method to enrich many holiday treats. Thymly Flavors offers Cinnamon flavor in a variety of consistency to help meet the demand of cinnamon products. Thymly is a great option for bakeries requiring higher quantities while continuing to keep minimum orders low. They are able to make custom flavors as well to create a unique and memorable holiday flavor that is all its own.

If you still crave those delicious cinnamon treats, try out Thymly Flavors to help offset costs and make the season sweet.