Today, a growing movement has started with consumers, conscious shoppers, and brands who are demanding the presence of GMOs be acknowledged in the food chain. Non-GMO Project Verification is a consensus-based standard that offers best practices for avoiding GMOs, helping consumers make informed choices at the store shelf. The butterfly logo is appearing more and more on food products and is a sign that Non-GMO Food Matters. Thymly Products is quietly working with partners in the background to manufacture food products with the butterfly logo on it

The Seal of approval

An independent study found the Non-GMO Project Verified seal to be the only “highly meaningful” label for consumers looking to avoid GMOs. The credibility that comes with Non-GMO Project verification will allow your products to reach a wider customer base, assuring shoppers that your products meet the best practices for GMO avoidance.

Brand Equity

Non- GMO food is Driving sales. Retail partners report that Non-GMO Project Verified products are the fastest dollar growth trend in their stores this year. Annual sales of Non-GMO Project Verified products now exceed $26 billion. This shows that  Non-GMO Food matters to consumers and they are paying attention to their buying food habits.

Non- GMO Food is In demand. A 2014 consumer survey found that “80% seek out non-GMO products, with 56% saying non-GMO was key to brand buying.” 6 2015 consumer polls also found that 93% of Americans and 88% of Canadians support the labeling of GMOs. 7,8

The food industry is getting behind this Non-GMO Project.  Thymly Products is here to answer any questions and have a conversation about this growing trend in the industry. Our sales staff is highly knowledgeable on this topic and is happy to talk with companies who would like to work towards getting more Non- GMO food products manufactured.

Non-GMO Food Matters