Sourdough September celebrates the world’s oldest leavened bread, giving everyone a chance to enjoy this delicious delight the entire month.

The entire month of September provides an opportunity for breadbakers across the world to share their talent for making sourdough bread. Initially starting as a campaign, this month-long bread holiday has turned into a food celebration. #sourdoughseptember

What is sourdough bread?
Unlike dry yeast breads, sourdough bread begins from a “starter” that contains a live culture of yeast. Interestingly, a sourdough starter can be a saved piece of sourdough bread from a previous or old piece of bread. The “sour” part of the dough is created by adding water and flour every week to the old piece of bread until it becomes fermented. Basically, a process naturally occurs between the yeast and “good” bacteria causing the mixture to sour and prompt growth. That growth eventually becomes a loaf of bread.
Fun Facts about Sourdough Bread
  • It is believed sourdough originated in Ancient Egyptian times around 1500 BC.
  • It appears the French bakers received credit for bringing this bread to San Francisco during the California Gold Rush in 1848.
  • San Francisco bakers are using the same culture used during the Gold Rush. In fact, to this day bakers refer to it to as the “Mother dough.”
  • Louise Boudin risked her life to save the original “Mother Dough” during the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906.
  • You should bake the bread in glass because the metal in baking sheets causes the dough to corrode.

Thymly Products works with customers to create the best ingredient solutions for their baking needs.  This has been the core of our business for many years. We also work with the Non-GMO Project with our products so make sure you look for the label.   If you are interested in learning more please reach out to your sales representative or call 410-658-4820.  We would be happy to talk with you.
