“Faster and better – we seem to strive for these qualities in all walks of life. Enzymes work behind the scenes to do this for bakers.”

These natural proteins, in the form of a complex, precise arrangement of amino acids, promote highly specific biochemical actions…By helping bakers advance production through enhanced dough handling and tighter process control, enzymes address cost-effective flour correction, replace emulsifiers and optimize egg usage. They aid finished product quality through increased baked volume, finer crumb structure, extended shelf life, and acrylamide reduction. Simply put, enzymes help bakers get the best from their raw materials. This translates to improved economics and a more satisfying product for the customer.

The past two decades experienced an increase in enzyme use in all baked foods.  The global economy and rising ingredient prices have made the cost go up to keep with market trends.  Due to the increasing and fluctuating cost of functional ingredients such as vital wheat gluten and ascorbic acid. Enzymes tend to have a stable, lower price point, and bakers appreciate this. The second reason is because of consumers’ increased scrutiny of product labels. Consumers are looking for easy-to-read labels void of ingredients that sound like a chemistry lab and looking for the Non- GMO label.

Thymly Products works with many wholesale bakeries and would love to discuss baking solutions that will fit in with your company. Through our custom blending and consultative sales process, we work with our bakeries to deliver a quality product at a price that is reasonable.

Contact your Thymly Products sales representative at 410-658-4820 to see what we can do for your business. #manufacturing #customblending #coblending #foodingredients #wholesalebaking
