Thymly Products is attending the American Society of Baking for the bakingtech 2023 tradeshow. MarketPlace 2023 Tabletop Exhibition, February 28 – March 2, at the Chicago Hilton, is the leading showcase of the latest products, technology, and services for the wholesale baking industry. The exhibition brings together approximately 130 vendors and more than 800 attendees. If you’re in the wholesale baking industry, bakingtech2023  BakingTECH & MarketPlace are must-attend events for your 2023 tradeshow calendar. The trade show offers an ideal forum for establishing and strengthening business relationships to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of supply chain operations.

Some of the sessions and panels at the bakingtech we are interested in will be around ingredients and how fortifying with plant-based proteins is evolving along with sweetening with natural ingredients continues to grow.  As always Thymly Products is constantly using these tradeshows to continue to push for innovation within the industry and keep producing the best products for our bakeries so they can continue creating and baking excellent food for their customers.

Please contact your regional sales rep to learn about how our company can help you reach your company’s goals or call 410-658-4820 or email